Sunday, April 7, 2013

Books, Glorious Books!

Hard back, paper back, and now e-book!  There is nothing that can take the place of the experience of sauntering into a book store, surrounded by colorful, textured, raised, recycled, vintage-edged books. I go in with bated breath of introductions to new an reintroduction to some familiar authors and the world from which they write, create and share. Something about this experience in euphoric, enlightening and empowering. Wow, and I didn't even try to formulate three "e" words in a row! But it does all of that and more. The energy of others who enter into this shared space of knowledge and discovery, somehow reassures me that anything is possible and travel is unlimited, especially with each page turn.

Although electronically inclined, mainly out of necessity, I am purest of sorts, when it comes to books. I would rather lug a book in my bag on the plane, or tuck it away in my brief case, than carry the e-book on my smart device. It seems illogical from a physical stand point, But, there's something that connects me to the writer, and carries me to the destinations with each page turn.

 I love books! It's no wonder, that I've contributed to some, and have written a few.  I've discovered that in giving, be it of your own writings, or books acquired,  you really receive more than the intended recipient. If we truly are honest with ourselves, and with those whom we share our writings and even our books, we realize that it is truly better to give than receive. Give of your best in your selection of readings, and especially of your writings and spoken word.  Then pay it forward! I recall buying one book at least four times. I would buy it, share it, loan it and eventually decided it was one that I need to have on hand to give away.  There's gotta be some special Book Fairy somewhere, that blesses you when you pay the parchment forward! A dear heart of ours Jason, recommended the book "The Alchemist", by Paulo Coelho. I picked up the written treasure of discovery, dream and self-determination and know that I will be better for the reading. Then it becomes someone else's world for a while.

A book can change a child's life for the better. One such book changed my life. It was "I Know Why The Cage Bird Sings" by Maya Angelou.  You can change a life too. Go ahead, enrich a life, give away the gift of literary discovery! Now that's DA Art of Living!

Simply Lady Dana
April 2013 (c)

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