Monday, January 21, 2013

Your Defining Moment

Your Defining Moment!

On the heels of the Inauguration of the 44th President of United States, are born and reborn  many dreams.  These dreams are further inspired by the many that have gone before us, making the sacrifices and demands, setting the stage perfectly for this point in history. A point from which we watch the events of the weekend from a front row seat or the cameras lens or engage directly in the change process.  We are a part of this change whether we choose to be willingly, or with resistance are pulled FORWARD into our present future.

Dreams are also propelled forward by a many of the "No's!" that preceded them.  Whether you're inspired to dream and make those dreams a positive reality in the FORWARD movement of our country, or even the stagnant discourse. Keep the dream alive. It's your God given choice, of which no one can ever take away.  Let that inspiration  be your defining moment to make your world a better place, a more beautiful, verdant world. Leave prints that our children and grandchildren would gladly want to walk in.

On many facebook posts, I have deliberately been quiet for some time now. Particularly on the venom I read and remarks over the country's leadership  and dysfunctional Congress. Dr. Martin Luther King, not only said it best, but he lived it. Only light can cast out darkness, only can cast out hate. Let us exhibit love and light in all that we do, especially when we disagree. Speak life to that which we stand for: JUSTICE for ALL! PEACE on my little earth! LOVE for ALL MANKIND!

Dr. King and Gandhi had many  defining moments that set them on their course. And they ran with it when it was not popular. They carried the paton of life so that when they passed it on to the next generation, it would open lanes that never had been open to many in the past.  Let change for the greater good, and not the bitter good, be your defining moment.  A homogenous society is not what I seek or even dream of for our bright future. I dream of a world where RESPECT reigns. RESPECT of differences: differences of faiths (Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, Jewish, and Sikhs. RESPECT of similarities: the need to be love, valued, self fulfilled and actualized.  RESPECT of properties. Too many times in our histories we read of how indigenous people of the land have been relocated, and not by their choosing. My great grandmother was native American. So she was truly ALL AMERICAN from my perspective. So any one who is not a native American, is an immigrant to this land who opens her arms to embrace the world, making it the beautiful melting pot that it is. That's what I love about my country the most! Who am I to tell someone with a different accent, different skin tone, and belief, that they are not welcomed to my great grandmother's native land. RESPECT of indigenous knowledge: Everyone has something to offer. EVERYONE! Value them and their knowledge. utilize it if you can, but  bottom line RESPECT the Human Race.

My most recent defining moment propelled me to keep going FORWARD!  Stand up for JUSTICE, speak out for PEACE, give RESPECT and expect it in return, but keep on moving if it does not show up. Be an advocate for children and most of all SERVE!

Peabo Bryson and Regina Belle said it best in a song.  Let's embrace this "Whole New World"

Click on the link or copy and paste and take a ride with me on this carpet and DREAM:

~Simply Lady Dana
2013 (c)

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