Re-Invent Yourself
We are constantly undergoing a metamorph0ses. Every five days our bodies regenerate a new stomach lining. Every 30 days our bodies regenerates totally new skin. Every sixty days, new brain matter. Every 90 days a new skeleton is regenerated. And every 120 days,new red blood cells. So it is only fitting that in this constant flux of regeneration or re-invention, that we embrace this natural occurrence called change. We are fearfully and wonderfully made!
This cycle does not require a strategic plan or a SWOT analysis for these natural changes to take place. They just do! We can have an affect on the outcome, but the timetable is set. Likewise, we can have an affect on our career, relationship, familial, or even location outcomes, even as that timetables are set. I've heard directly or through others on how they have been unemployed or business-less, and most not by their own choosing or lack of skills, training or education. As a matter of fact, many are overly educated, overly qualified, but their release from their previous set of responsibilities came sooner than they had planned. I AM a firm believer that everything happens at it's own perfect time, not necessarily at the time of our own choosing.
Perhaps that door that closed at your previous job, or business, or the promotion for which you were passed over, or an illness that forced your exit, was for your GREATER GOOD! You've been thinking about launching your own business, or partnering with the person who is right before who complements your skills. But the fear of the unknown kept you paralyzed in a place of false security. Only to learn that nothing is either secure or permanent in that capacity. Now that the doors have been slung wide open, what do you do? Take this time to RE-INVENT yourself. IT could take 5 days, 30, 90 or even 120 or more. But it will happen with some effort, desire, planning and prayer on your part. GO FULLY FOR IT! This may be the change that you've silently whispered in the depth of your soul.
It's re-invention time. And in this re-inventing time period, it is imperative to surround yourself with people that will help make this process a possibility. Perhaps the perfect Life Coach can guide you and hold you accountable (Coach Ulrick Graham). Or an Image Consultant (Diamond Image Consulting-Cherise Beasely) is just what you need to blue print your way to the the look that you've always wanted but was not sure how to obtain. Volunteer as an apprentice to your new career path. Choose a mentor. Feed your mind positive thoughts, affirmations and motivation nuggets, or sermons three times a day.
And finally, GO FORWARD. That first step is the most difficult, and thus some of us have to be pushed into our purpose. Even when you're tempted to look back, and we all do, just glance and keep it moving. It doesn't matter how you get going, but START. Take the first step and watch the flood gates of opportunity flow your way. Keep the positive, re-inventive momentum going forward. Now that's DA Art of Living!
~Simply Lady Dana
November 2012 (c)
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