Monday, October 1, 2012

Holding On To The Last Bit of Summer!

Holding On To The Last Bit of Summer!

Labor Day has long passed, yet I find myself wearing white and loving it! Could it be that I'm holding of to the last bit of Summer? Yes indeed! The warmth of the Summer sun that stirs the joy deep within and sweetens the sun kissed tea, wants to linger longer and I welcome its extended stay. There's a frivolity that only Summer can elicit; the adventure that the outdoors hold, from white water rafting; taking a dip in the ocean; the sound of laughter and discovery of Summer camp. And the courage that seems to heighten in the Summer, tempting us to try new things like a new hair colour or cutting the hair off completely; colouring nails different colors for the sake of freedom, of which July 4th remdinds us. Then there's the simple pleasures that comes from spinning in spaghetti strapped Summer dresses,dotted with an array of colours of Summer schemes. And let's not forget Summer love that blosooms from their Spring beginnings. Topping off this Joie de vivre of Summer are the outdoor concerts at parks, amphitheatres and backyards. What a way to celebrate life, friends and family, while accentuating the positive of Summer!

Even though the evenings and mornings have a crisp note that reminds me that Fall is here, the residual warmth of Summer days allows me to linger this season for just a bit longer. I soak it all in, vitamin D and all; allowing the subtle breezes to kiss my cheeks in passing.

Each season has its beauty, as does each individual. The key is to recognize the differences, develop a healthy sense of tolerance and appreciation, as we LIVE WHILE YOU LIVE! Now that's DA Art of Living!

Sharing a bit of musical Summer with you via Joe Hisaishi rendition of "Summer". Copy and paste link and enjoy the last bit of Summer with me.

~Simply Lady Dana

October 2012 (c)

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