Tuesday, August 23, 2016

In The Meantime....

In The Meantime

You know it's inspiration, when you already are prepared bed, and your last act is listening to facebook live, in support of a fellow author, entrepreneur sister. Only to find yourself aimlessly at the keyboard, under a dim desk lamp. Well truth be told, I'm not functioning at an aimless level. I was inspired with this story days ago but thought, well maybe I will just let it rest.  It may get better if I allow it to marinate.  

Truth again, I wasn't' going to tell the story, but Tiffany, Lady of Power, spoke on "I AM DETERMINATION" tonight, and reminded me/us that those high moments, reminds us of the victories we've come by way of those low valley experiences.  So here I AM.  And now I WRITE.

What are you waiting for?  You put it off long enough.   You said I will hire a personal trainer WHEN...  I will take my dream vacation WHEN....I will hire a Personal Assistant WHEN...I will marry the person of my dreams WHEN...I will start my business WHEN...I will change careers and operate in my Passion and Purpose WHEN... I will start a family WHEN...I will call a family member or friend who hurt me deeply  WHEN... I will learn to drive WHEN...I will do nice things for myself WHEN...I will take a class/start college/finish college WHEN...I will run my first 5K or Marathon WHEN...I will start training for scrabble competition WHEN...I will start going to church again WHEN...I will finally get the help I need WHEN...

Truth is there are so many conditional WHENS to getting started or even finishing that prevents you for WINing. We just have to just do it: simple as that!  Nothing is stopping you but you and a set of conditions that you/we have so comfortably gotten acquainted with, that you find it hard to let them go. But it's really a mind shift that needs to take place first, SO THAT the WHENs can manifest themselves into WINS. Do the work! Align, Grind, Pray, and Slay!

I plan to spend part of this Winter in Puerto Rico.  Even putting it out there in words and writing, for a global reach,  creates a window of possibilities of it truly happening and even the possibility of it not happening. Either way, I 'm not going to sit on my laurels and wish for LIFE to happen on my terms. I'm living it. I'm doing it and I'm saying it out loud. I'm making it happen! My heart is filled with joy and great expectations of what's to come, people to meet, places to see, foods to experience and music in which to dance, while making my small place a better place to live.

Should circumstances beyond my control and withdrawals from what seemed to be a level of security, delay me wintering in the land of the enchanted this Winter, then I will plan for the next. Either way, it's happening! D.V.

It's' soaring time, so we must consciously let go of thoughts, things and people even, that have been weighing us down. There's a lot of living and great things to do IN THE MEANTIME.  And the world is waiting on you, waiting on me! The WHENs may never ever show up, but LIFE is here today and fully ready to be lived. IN THE MEANTIME you gotta keep on living, keep on dreaming, keeping on growing, keep on WINning!  Live while you live!  Now that's DA Art of Living! 


Click on link or copy and paste to hear this gem of musical inspiration. 


~Simply Lady Dana

August 2016 (c)


  1. My favorite song and theme for EPIC Homeschoolers... Do Life Big!!! In the meantime I'm putting my plans in place and I will enjoy the journey.

  2. Thanks Rhea! We share the same taste for great inspirational music! Yes, DO LIFE BIG! Write the plan and work the plan!
