Sunday, September 14, 2014

Oh What A Summer It Has Been!

Oh What Summer It Has Been!

The Summer started off with an unexpected BANG! And I'm not referring to the 4th of July fireworks.  My world had changed as I had known it and  I too had to make some necessary life changes.  It started out with me going to visit my sister in Uganda! She invited me to come and spend a month with her. And  on the tail end of our conversation, she indicated she had me slated to teach to her Public Health students on one of these days, to which I was more than happy to do. If you know me, you know I enjoy teaching, giving, growing and learning; so I would be in my element, but just in another land. And you would also know I LOVE TO TRAVEL!

My time in Uganda requires more than a few paragraphs to capture the fullness of this rich land replete with unforgettable experiences. But know these three things for sure: Uganda is a beautiful country replete with fresh fruits and vegetables that are larger than life and naturally sweet. I never knew tomatoes could be so good!  The people of Uganda are warm, kind and industrious.  Melissa, you would fit right in! (all smiles). And their desire to learn is insatiable, as they can improve their lives, they too can improve the lives of their families they care for. I fell in love with Uganda, it changing terrain, and Georgia like climate, with expected daily rain showers.   It would unacceptably negligent of me if I did not mention the tea estates of Uganda.  They are plentiful and particular to certain regions, along with the sugar cane estates. And  the marvel of Lake Victoria, which looked as large as any ocean I had ever seen in the United States.  Uganda is truly the Pearl of Africa!

Me and my Ugandan little Princess

John and huge Ugandan Pineapples (The Hospitality Fruit)

Ugandan Avocadoes

Ugandan Open Air Market in Kampala

Upon my return to the States, my Summer took me other places; and I cannot say they were a part of my Summer plans, but certainly the Master's plan. Panama City Florida, for a short beach weekend.  It was confirmed that a short beach weekend is better than no beach weekend at all.  If I were a believer in reincarnation, I am certain I would have been some type of water creature of sorts.  A mermaid comes to mind but they aren't real, nor do I think really functional. So this is where your imagination can run wild and imagine me being a capable creature of the water. Ay yes!  A dolphin. That's what I would be.

U.S. of A (Washington D.C.)

 Ok, back to my Summer travels! I found myself in D.C., visiting a dear friend and in attendance of a humanitarian conference, along with the same sister who was visiting from Uganda.  North Carolina, became my resting place with my family, celebrating milestones, and new opportunities. I got a chance to read more and enjoy fabulous cups of tea across the lands. Eventually, I made my way back home, but it was not for long. The Big Apple was calling, with all of its city lights, expansive bridges and tall dreams and possibilities. My time here with family was remarkable, visiting two of the matriarchs of our family, who are in their nineties!.  And on this road journey with my father, he reminded me to "Stay In My Lane", referring to life and road travel.  While that is not the theme of this blog, it is truly DA Art of Living, which became the theme of my Summer.

Manal wearing her Apron for Education from Uganda. Designed by yours truly.

While staying in my lane, I somehow found myself at church on the day that the Pathfinders were pitching their tents, in preparation  for the worldwide Camporee. Our church needed another nurse to assist during the Camporee. Hours later, I was being shown how to complete the required testing online,  a background check and the required application. I was now going to Osh Kosh! With the prayers and continued support of friends and family, we were over 50+ making our way to Osh Kosh, Wisconsin for the "Forever Faithful" International Camporee. This was an out of this world experience, for so many reasons: Again, a blog it itself. There were people from many parts of the world who had descended upon this land, sharing their stories on how they had arrived, and the journey itself. Kindness prevailed and pin trading was a great way to break the ice and make new friends from  across the globe.

Forever Faithful Pathfinder Camporee 

I finished off my Summer travels in the Lone Star state of Texas, helping one my sister settle into her new home and new state.  Yes, I have many sisters!  I thank God for them all!  That song, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger" comes to mind ;-). They each have made me a stronger and better woman. Love you guys! 
Texan Flag (Stefanie, don't even say it!)
At the end of my Summer travels, God blessed me with a new job that I start on tomorrow.  Imagine, had I been working this Summer, and I searched high and low for a job, I could not have experienced the vastness and richness of ALL that God had in store for me.  This has been one of the best Summers yet! When life throws you unexpected twist, and it will, go with the flow and allow it to unfold. KNOW that it is only for your growth, your good and God's glory. You never know where the road may take you: Perhaps overseas; Treasured time with friends whom you had not seen in some time and more time with family which is the cornerstone of our heart and  heritage. Wherever life may find you, Abraham Lincoln said it best "The best thing about the future is that it comes one day at a time." Now that's DA Art of Living!

Enjoy Ms. Lynda Randle's' version of this fitting song:
(Click on link or copy and paste)

~Simply Lady Dana 
September 2014 (c)

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