Will I Ever Learn? This question begs an answer and my prayer is that I will be able to answer in the affirmative very soon and consistently. BALANCE. I find myself on this see-saw of life trying to strike and maintain balance in managing the cares of this world and all of the responsibility that comes with it. This remains my constant quest. This is my dream. There's a quote that says "to whom much is given, much is required". I would like to add a comment to expound on this quote further. To whom much is given, much is required, AND much is delegated.
Today I awoke refreshed, and completed my exercise before 6:30 a.m. And all of this after making it to my bed 10:00 p.m. on last evening. Going to bed by 10:00 p.m. and not eating after 7:00 p.m., use to be my gold standard. It was the only way that I could ensure proper rest and restoration so that I would function at my optimal level and fire on all cylinders. Additionally, walking use to be my gold standard as well, especially in the outdoors fresh air.
Somehow, like those insidious pounds that sneak up on us during the holidays and winter months,
I found myself chasing the clock, in hopes of doing more and checking more off of my list, at the expense of sleep and even eating after 7:00 p.m. to boot. As you may already know, life is cyclical and mathematical. I'm sure all of friends and family members who are Mathematicians would be happy to know that I've finally reached that level of mathematical understanding (Rhea ;-). If you take away from the original integer, you have less to work with, unless you add to it. A day has fixed limitations of 24 little hours, no matter what part of the world in which you live. Our responsibility is to best manage those 24-hours well, as great stewards do.
Over the years, I've read about and have also heard echoed in my ears time and time again, that as Christians, we must be good stewards: good stewards of our time, talent, treasure and temple. It has been something that I have been chasing for some time now. Well, I think I have chosen the path of a more focused, least resistant. When I say least resistant, I don't mean inactivity or passiveness. But merely, to plan, manage and allow life to take its course. Having just recently completed Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University course, I better understand this responsibility of being a great well-rounded, steward. It has absolutely nothing to do with ourselves, but everything to do with God. We are His caretakers, His Ambassadors, so He would have us represent Him well in every aspect of our lives; health, wealth, talents and time management. So the answer to original question is YES I WILL LEARN! Learning is a constant part of life. When we are open to learning, we are opening to GROWING. Here we GROW! Now that's DA Art of Living!
~Simply Lady Dana
November 2013 (c)
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