Sunday, August 19, 2012

Waiting for Inspiration

"Waiting for Inspiration"

Here it is, and we are almost at the close of another beautiful Sunday in the month of August. And I find myself "waiting for inspiration" for my weekly Sunday blog. I relieve the week in my mind, and it seems to have been a fast blur, with many blessings sprinkled along the way and hurdles that had to be jumped. Then the joys of family and friends visiting; a wonderful Sabbath celebration that reminded me not to worry, but to be happy was just what was in order for that day. Topped off with a wide array of performers sharing their musical talents under the stars, at Chastain Park, followed by bubble tea and/or yogurt in the heart of Atlanta, Buckhead proper. All of that should be inspiration enough! Yet here I find myself looking at this space that many times are easily filled with an array of thoughts that flow, greatly inspired by you, mother nature,my sweetheart, dreams and children that remind me of the simple pleasures.

As I veer to my left, across my laptop, I am reminded and inspired by a hand written note from my dear friend, JoShi, that we should all aspire for:

1. Someone to love

2). Something to do

3). And something to look forward to

This note, though small in size, carries with it a weight of HOPE! As I realize that I no longer have to wait for inspiration. I am inspiration as I embrace the someone(s) to love God has gifted me with in dear friends, family and loved ones; something(s) to do-often time more than seem doable, but with God its possilbe and He sends us what we need, most times before we ask; and something(s) to look forward to. I look foward to Friday that will find us in Miami, Florida and the sound of the ocean that reminds me that God has the whole world in His hand; successfully launching our project and maintaining it well, as the blessing it is. And creating opportunities for employment for others who want to give their all and their best.

You too may have been waiting for the wind to blow in the right direction, or for the stars to align themselves properly, or perhaps for someone to whisper in your ear that which you long to hear. In the meantime, be your own muse and move onward and upward, checking off from your list of tasks and aspirations.

To whom much is given, much is required. So as we move along further into this week, I am inspired for all of the reasons above, but mostly because of the love and prayers of those I love. Now that's DA Art of Living!

Peace and Inspirational Blessings!

Sharing a link from "Coming To America", a song sung by Jackie Wilson. Cut and paste the link and enjoy! Know that YOU ARE INSPIRATIONALLY LOVED!

~Simply Lady Dana
August (2012)

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