Monday, February 27, 2012

It's Already Done!

It's Already Done!

One thing that Broadway plays have taught me about life: The best actors have been chosen; endless hours of rehearsal are put in to make the show seamless and effortless; and that the show must go on, regardless of the weather, illness or anticipated number of attendees. So, the stage has been set, the lights are dimmed, and the orchestra starts their melodic blend from the pit and the curtains are drawn. It is time to take center stage!

Life parallels Broadway plays. We, Gods best have been CHOSEN; Endless hours of commitment, and dedication are required to gain the VICTORY and make life appear seamless and effortless. And finally, the weather may not always be fair, however, the show must go on! We gotta stay in the game. But most of all, whatever is required to be successful in this life, but more importantly in the world made new, Its Already Done! We must assume our positions, and indubitable trust that God who is already in our tomorrow, has taken care of not just the cares of today, but those of tomorrow, and the days to follow.

We must assume our position, responsibility, and role. The GREAT WRITER, DIRECTOR, PRODUCER has completed the script, given us our parts and orchestrated it well; down to the detailed end.

Shakespeare said it well."All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts, his acts being seven ages."
Let us each do our part, and do it well! Now that's DA Art of Living!

~Simply Lady Dana

February 2010 (c)

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