Sunday, January 29, 2012

Authentic, Exquisite, Phenomenal! Be Who You Are Called to Be...

Be Who You Are Called to Be...

Some of my favorite quotes are credited to Ralph Waldo Emerson, and Marianne Williamson.

"The task before you is no greater than the force behind you."

"What lies behind us and lies before us are tiny matters compared
to what lies within us."

When asked by a dear friend, whose I also consider family, for the Publisher's contact information, it stirred something within me. There was a quiet inspiration to move forward with my books. Encouraged and supported by friends and family over the years, I became a contributing author to over three Women's devotional. What a joy to be able to share in words, a collection of stories, experiences and literary enlightenment with others of similar interest. Even writing articles for medical research journals have also given me a sense of satisfied purpose. So why have I postponed publishing three books that are seating idle, collecting dust, rather than new literary ideas. Well, sometimes it takes a gentle nudge or even a forceful push, from those closest to you who see your gift. And it would be a tragedy to not share that in which God has gifted us and namely me to do: WRITE! So write, I shall.

"Brighten the corner where you are", a wise and dear heart recently reminded me. He exclaimed that we all have gifts and a light to share. It requires no pomp, nor circumstances. It requires no prolific dissertation, as my thrithteen year old niece informed me. The only requirement is to just simply be who you are called to be, authentic, exqusite, phenomenally YOU!

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God."

I accept that charge on purpose and hope that it stirred something that may have been lying dormant within you. Write, Sing, Organize, Play, Mentor, Preach, Strategize, Teach, Orhestrate, Lead, Follow, or Help. But do it!

Now that's DA Art of Living!

Simply Lady Dana
Author (Authentic,Exquisite, Phenomenal, )
January 2012 (c)

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