Sunday, December 11, 2011

The Power of Persistency

Another week has come to a close and a new one has begun! Another great day to be ALIVE indeed! There have been many stories shared across facebook this week. Stories of semester finals, new lives beginning, while some came to a close, wedding engagements,  nanowrimo coming to an end, quotes that inspired,  some that in sensed, while others stirred action; videos in which to sing , concerts attended, Kelly's Cook'n, Tea parties, Christmas parties and more.  Sharing in others lives is living, just to be a part is a gift; whether it be on the side lines wishing for the best, or an active participant.

This was the first year in ten (10) years that I did not host a Holiday Tea Party. Rather, I was on the receiving side lines this time.  Last years Holiday Tea Party culminated on a high note, with snow draping the trees as a backdrop to the season, in which we experienced; jazz music by Saxman that soothed our well-travelled souls;  gospels songs that reminded us of the reason for the season, conversational exchanges that wereexhilarating, along with a plethora of foods assortments and international teas, topped off the decade of celebrating with friends, new and old, and family. So you can imagine how delighted I was to be the guest at the Holiday party this year, rather than the hostess.  All decked with holiday cheer, and red accents, heels and all, we were off to our first Holiday event for Winter 2011. 

Having attended undergraduate school in Chattanooga, I thought I was well acquainted with the city. Only to have the veil and blinders of my limited view lifted, as we drove up Hixson pike to a lovely, palatial home that overlooked the Tennessee river. We experienced fully the joy of Christmas with trees and mantles beautifully decorated with Nutcrackers and spirals of shinnyness, and the Dreidel, Menorah tree representing their heritage and practice.   We were amongst new friends, the aroma of vanilla and cinnamon candles,  holly, bulbs, and pine-oiled wreaths.  As the host pointed out unique parts of their home layout, they told us of the story of how they came to find this home. It was after four years of searching, the husband deciding with a definitive yes! that this was their home to be and the wife wavering with great hesitancy. The breathtaking view of the Tennessee river, and the horse farm would have been the deciding factor for me, let alone the home that was well suited to host social events easily with over 150 persons in attendance. The Coco Cola heir was masterful in his design of his former residence, that was now the home of choice of our friends (well, for at least one of them).  After several home searches and the months turned to years, they, along with their interior decorator, approached the home once again, now with an eye to customize it to their taste. And with persistency and recognizing the true artistry of the home's design, they would become the new home owners to this jewel! 

It is stories like these that inspires to never give up, never give in, "stay in the game" of life, and expect greatness! Their persistency paid off in multiple fashion!  And we were active participants in sharing and spreading HOLIDAY CHEER. Do something nice and unexpected for some one this holiday season.

Now that's DA Art of Living!

Simply Lady Dana
December 2011 (c)

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