Sunday, November 20, 2011

Monarch of the Seas

Every which way I turn, I see butterflies. Butterflies posted on facebook (by girlfriend Jayne) as shared with you here in this blog, butterflies on  my Christmas tree, ok, so I did put those there; butterflies in business cards, butterflies in shopping plazas and butterflies in nature. Could it be that they've been there all along, and just recently I'm paying closer attention. I've also noticed that in other areas of my life, particularly in Bible passages.  There would be a passage that I would recite from the heart and then all of a sudden it takes on new meaning and my eyes seemed to have been lifted of the clay that once obliterated my vision. How awesome would it be if we could remove the clay of darkness from our view, so that we could realize all that is good that lies before us; learn the lessons that life aims to teach us; fulfill our Divine purpose upon this earth (be it in service, teaching, healing, or investing); or to inspire others to be at their level best.

Being at our level best sometimes requires sacrifice and patience.  I know patience quite well, but I don't invite him in to stay for very long, unless there is tea involved. So it is stealing away that I am restored, and renewed to be at my level best. It's a form of energizing that stirs a newness of the soul. Even with the busy holidays upon us, I invite you to steal away, even if for a walk in the park or a quiet visit with a friend/loved one. I plan to steal away on a cruise, in which we will witness  loved ones join in holy matrimony with loved ones surrounding them. So you can imagine to my suprise, that when I printed out the boarding passes and realized the name of our cruise ship was Monarch of the Seas, again I was amazed. I want to be certain to gain the lessons in these series of connections and give and receive what is to be, by being fully present to the moments and the gifts of individuals in my circle. My sense tells me that the life lessons from these beautiful creatures is that we don't always start out in life where we're meant to be; It takes transformation, patience and perseverance in pressing through the rough spots, in order to be free to flitter and flutter, adding colour and hope to those around. Then a greater  appreciation can be gained on the other side.  So steal away, be willing to change (transform) for the better, be patient with your self and others, and persevere!

May a joyous, laughter-filled holiday surround you! Spread your wings and fly, sharing love and joy where ever the season may find you. Now let the cruising begin!

Now that's DA ART of LIVING!

~Simply Dana
(c) 2011

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