Sunday, January 25, 2015



"The limit of your present view is not the limit of your possibilities." ~Guy Finley (Author/Teacher). Sometimes starting a blog or opening a statement with a well suited quote is all that is needed to be said.  But this eye opening quote begs a tangible, palpable, real life story to accompany it: And that I shall provide.

It was a slightly overcast sky, with the sun intermittently showing her bright face, on this cool January morning , for Bermuda's International Marathon. There was a subdued excitement in the air that flanked the sparse crowd, which could have been thinned out by the three consecutive days of running events (appropriately called the Bermuda Triangle) and its celebrationa. One thing that was present in abundance, was DETERMINATION.  Many have traveled from abroad, making their way down the Eastern shore, across the Atlantic ocean and as near as Middle Road, South Shore, or North Shore. Each runner, walker or even stroller pace seemed to be motivated by the mile makers in front of them that confirmed their distance and what remained of their race.  And then there was the bell clinger and those cheering these determined athletes, and team mates to their finish line.

And crossing the finish line was done with such style, each adding their personal touches, with clicking of the heels, while airborn; doing back flips, crossing hand in hand or finishing with a Marvel Super Hero like Spider Man.  Each person made their own finishing statement. But the statement that punctuated this annual event for me, were two ladies in particular.

The first lady I met briefly, but was most amazed with the ease in which she finished the 13.1 half marathon.  She didn't seem to break a sweat, no be out of breath. And did I mention that her makeup seemed flawless.  Not to mention, she completed the race without two upper limbs, and a prosthesis for one leg.   She smiled as she crossed the finish line with two friends running on each side. She ran for a cause, but she also ran to show the world that we can do anything that we set our minds to and prepare for. And she finished the race with such

And the second lady and participant that made an impact upon my experience the the Bermuda Triangle Race Weekend is a Peach of a woman indeed. I met Ms. Nel at the airport in Bermuda. She
who had traveled from western Canada to be a part  of this International race. While waiting on our flight, she had informed me that she was running for the cause of Diabetes, which is near and dear to my heart because of the research work for which I'm involved.  Ms. Nel also informed me that she finished the race last. But oh what a finish it was! She had a Super Hero welcome at closing of the event.  Ms. Nel made the ending her own. She was the last to complete the 10K race on Saturday, despite some physical set backs in 2014 and her age of over seven decades, she had DETERMINATION!  The limit of her present view of pulling up the rear, did not limit her possibilities nor deter her. She had a made up mind to finish what she started both for diabetes and for herself and not be limited by what others may see as limitations.

"The race is not for the swift, but to those who endure to the end." And Ms. Nel Peach, you endured well. YOU ARE OUR WINNER! Now that's DA Art of Living!

Let us"Run on and see what the end will be." ~Oprah Winfrey  GREAT THINGS AWAIT!

~Simply Lady Dana
January (c) 2015

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