Sunday, November 30, 2014


(Photo taken by Lady Dana in Kigali, Rwanda-Summer 2014)


Surely you've  heard your GPS say “Recalculating” numerous times, when you've gone off its original course. Then you think back and you're almost certain that  you were careful to type or speak the exact destination point into your device before your departure.  You may have even made stops along the way, without deviating. But most importantly, you kept it moving, UNTIL you heard the paralyzing, mechanical voice say “re-cal-cu-la-ting”.  Hearing that multi-syllabic word can cause paralysis or an automatic, internal scramble. The brain is thrown into warp speed calculations  and silently questions, as the heart rate and breathing increases:  what to do next, did I miss something, should I go back, should I stop or just hope the route will reroute me in the same direction.

Often times life requires some longitudinal and latitudinal recalculations.  You plan for events, careers, education, relationships, children, vacations and family gatherings to go a certain way and BOOM, just like that, recalculations are needed.  We are thrown into warp speed mental reconfigurations.  Just as the GPS reconfigures its direction when lost or at an impasse, we too must recognize that the device is no better than the user and his/her input. Even though it may seem like a delay, know that It is so worth pulling over and carefully, prayerfully consider the direction of your next move.  It's okay to ask for help, in the form of directions, coaching, counseling or a family member or friend who has your best interest at heart. Asking these questions has helped me in situations that required recalculations: Is it right?  Is it kind?  Is it necessary? Is it a part of my purpose? And does it offer peace?  If I can answer in the affirmative to all of the above,  then away I go in the right direction, at the right time, fulfilling my purpose on point. Now that’s DA Art of Living!  DRIVE ON…BE HAPPY!

Here's a little happy driving, recalculating music for your listening pleasure: "Don't Worry, Be Happy" Click on the link or copy and paste.

Simply Lady Dana
November 2014 (c)

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