Tuesday, February 24, 2015

You Look Like Elfa!!!!!!!

"Returning home"

The other day I was blessed to speak on Women's Health at my previous "Home" church. It is always good to return "home" and see warm, familiar faces and meet new ones.  What's even more special  is when you can leave gems behinds, glean new wisdom and stories and hopefully leave a positive mark.

Shortly after I did my talk on Women & Heart disease for Healthy Heart Month, I was approached by two little girls, of whom I did not know.  They seemed extra small, as I towered over them in my 3 inch heels.  So I stooped down, leaned in carefully to hear their whisper of a voice and listened attentively.  And the one child who seemed to be about five years old, said to me "You look like Elfa".  Hmmm...  I was not sure what or who she was speaking of, but I did manage to understand the "You look like" part.  I asked her to repeat what she had said, and she did.  These ears of mine were so happy for her obliging my request, but it did not make a difference in my understanding: I still heard, “You Look like Elfa”. So I leaned in as close as I could  without toppling over in my heels, dress, fascinator and all and asked her once again.  Her precious soul seemed to get a little impatient that I didn't seem to get her question or statement, even on the third try. So I turned to her friend, who seemed to be a year of two older, and asked her ‘What did she say?”, with a smile on my face.  Thank God for these precious gems!  So her friend or even perhaps it was her sister, but she said with great clarity, "She said you look like Elsa'!".  I did not know who Elsa was, so I asked if Elsa was their Mommy's name, or their Auntie, or their Grandma. No!!!Elsa from Frozen!  Well, I had good sense to know of the movie "Frozen" even though I had not seen it yet (as my nieces and nephews live out of town).  So, I asked them who was Elsa and their faces lit up as they told me she was the snowman in Frozen.  Well! You can only imagine the visual I conjured up in my head regarding me looking like a snowMAN.   Without knowing who Elsa really was or what she or he looked like, I leaned over and thanked this precious angel anyway and gave her a hug.

Well today was my BIG REVEAL.  I googled Frozen and asked around at work about the main characters and the plot of the movie. I seem to like what I was hearing about Elsa, the SNOW QUEEN and all that she could do with her magical snow making powers. Then I googled her picture and here she is. 

Now you see why I love children! Children don't see color, they see hearts and auras.  I pray that this little child saw a gentle, loving spirit of God in me. If so, I gladly embrace Elsa and can only hope that what I touch will be FROZEN for the greater good!  Now that's DA Art of Living!

May this song from frozen melt your heart to do things that you alone have been called to do!


~Simply Lady Dana
February 2015 (c)

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