Sunday, January 4, 2015

Loving Me Some Me

Oh what a great place to BE when you recognize your own value and treasure your awesome worth! As my first blog of 2015, I launch with "Loving Me Some Me."  There is no better place to be and start again, than loving on yourself.

Investing time, energies, monies and words that build is essential in any healthy relationship.  Aside from the Supreme relationship with God,  the one personal relationship that means the most, is the one you have with yourself. It is so easy to give and nurture others, especially for those of us who are natural givers.  Striking a balance between give and take is key to optimal survival and thriving. But the greatest gift you can give to yourself is time: Give yourself the quiet time to reflect on your personal dreams and goals. Give yourself time to just BE content in your own company and space. Allow your self time to reflect and meditate on things that give you life.  In that quiet time, be it by the window, by the ocean, or in the confines of your day room, your dreams and goals will become crystal clear.

Make it a priority to Take time out for you!  The children may call for your time and attention, and they should.  The spouse will want their time and work has its own set of demands. But he only way we can be at our best is to be the best to ourselves first. Many things will vie for your attention, even if they are for the greater good. Others will have agendas that they want you to help accomplish their goals. One question to ask of yourself, is if it is for your greater good and according to YOUR purpose.  Now don't get me wrong, I believe we should give of our time, in the form of voluteerism to causes that are near and dear to us.  I'm not saying that everything should be centered around you. But I am saying to keep your dreams  and purpose front and center, not neglecting that which YOU are called to DO.

Pamper YOU!  Lavish yourself with the things that bring you tranquility, joy and much laughter.  If you can answer in the affirmative to the following three questions:  Is it  Kind? Is it necessary?  Does it give you peace? Then GO FOR IT!   For me travel is an essential part of my THRIVING. I love cultures, customs and experiencing that in a local and global fashion.  I truly am a Citizen of the World.  By traveling, I honor myself and my love of exploration.  There are other ways in which you can pamper yourself, even if its a manicure with girlfriends, or golf with girl and guy friends or just go for a run or a ride on the horse that gets you.

Invest in YOU!  Invest in your own development and personal growth. Go back to school! Buy the vehicle you may have been thinking about, but had put on hold.  No one else is more worthy than YOU. All these things can be done in incremental steps, but the key is to take the first step and the others will follow.

This year I claim as the year to Love Me Some Me  even more and to THRIVE! Now that's DA Art of Living!

Simply Lady Dana

January 2015 (c)

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