(Photo taken in front of the Crow Museum Asian Art Collection in Dallas, Texas)
There's no question that Sundays are one of my favorite days of the week. It's an indicator of a new week,a new start and a new opportunity! It's got a sacredness to it in which I bask as long as I can. Sundays are a time for intentional stillness and reflection. Like the reflection pool in the photo above, life whispers or screams, when necessary, for us to be still and take a closer look. Take a closer look at where we are; where we've been; and where we are going and the necessary steps to get there.
In these reflective moments, it is so easy to get hung up like an old 45 record with a scratch, playing the same warped, scratched tune over and over again. Rather than be paralyzed in time and in thought, It is necessary to get up and switch records that will carry us to where we want to be.
A blog shared by a dear sister friend of mine, really resonated with me during my time of reflection today. Her words are inspired and compelling. I asked her if it were OK to share her timely written inspiration and with her permission. here goes:
Today, I am making Peace with the past. Although I cannot change it, I can choose to learn from it, be strengthened, fortified and victorious over it. I am freeing myself of negative circumstances of the past by clearing them out of my heart, mind and spirit. With heartfelt confessions and apologies, I fully extend and accept the olive branch of peace and forgiveness. I am leaving the past in the past. It is time to let it go. I will not let the past plague me, casting a shadow over my present happiness. I refuse to carry any negative baggage from my past into my future. Yesterday is gone, tomorrow has not yet arrived. Today is the present, the gift of God, that is bright with hope and filled with bounteous, beautiful possibilities. I live happily, peacefully and gratefully in God's present gift of today. (By Ms. Tami Lewis/Life Coach/Author/Friend)
Change is here, If You Believe! Now that's DA Art of Living.
Click or paste treasured link by Mariah Carey & Whitney Houston
~Simply Lady Dana
September (c) 2014
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