Friday, August 1, 2014

Simple Pleasures

"Simple Pleasures"

Sitting at a red light the other day, I could not help but to notice two teenage boys, about the age of fifteen or sixteen, crossing the street seemingly unaware of life unfolding all around them. There were interspersed honks of horns of those trying to catch the last few seconds of a yellow light. Then there was the pounding of the front tires of a few  cyclists  popping wheelies,  hitting  the Summer hot concrete with their airborn body weight.  And from my slightly cracked window, I could here the chatter of those at the gas pump situated  catty corner to the passenger side of my car.

All of a sudden, the two teenage boys became aware of the six remaining seconds of the count down timer to cross the street. Suddenly their casual stroll turned into a Bolt-like  sprint, which was accentuated by an acrobatic high five, as they smiled big smiles for making the  light witout a second to spare. These simple pleasures brought joy to what some would consider an ordinary day. Maximize each momrnt you're in. Now thats DA Art of Living!

~Simply Lady Dana
August 2014 (c)

Thiis song by a new group called Nico and Vinz, puts me in the mind of these teenagers who were making the most of each moment eothout a care in the world.

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