Sunday, February 12, 2012

Life Is The Greatest Show On Earth

Life Is The Greatest Show On Earth

Living life to the fullest is the greatest show on earth! When all the lights in your life appear to be green; and you're firing on all cylinders; enriching the lives of others; and living out your purpose intentionally, that is truly living!

An array of events coloured my week, but all of them punctuated that we never know from whence our help will come, but be assured that it comes from the Lord; oftentimes through people who allow themselves to be vessels used by Lord.

Just last week, a former colleague found her self in dire straights, soon to have all that she possessed auctioned off in storage. My hearts was moved to action, as I recalled that not too far in my distant past, I was in great needs and God sent true angels, in the form of human agents to my rescue. In one felt swoop of an e-mail, I asked my flamingo girlfriends to rally around our colleague and if they felt moved to assist in any way, to let me know. And with out a board meeting, or discussion, all seven of them had placed a check in the mail the next day. And to the tune of real Christian love, our friend and colleagues belongings were saved.
Church does not a Christian make: it's the non-judgemental love that makes the world of difference. Preaching the Word of God does not a Christian make: It is giving a word or encouragement whiled lending a helping hand to meet the needs at hand. Living a lifetsyle of great health and balance, does not a Christian make: It is in giving the food of life to someone whose pantries are bare.

At a charity event on last evening, we had a dental emergency. Donned in gowns and tuxedos, we were amazed by the responsiveness of the other parties at our table, and the event's executive planner. In moments, we learned that a dentist was also a part of our table seating. He and his wife, left the event to attend to our emergent dental needs. And to the tune of zero dollars, they repaired the dental situation and returned us back to the American Heart Ball. God has His angles in all places. Let us keep looking up and lighting the corner where we stand.

Now that's DA Art of Living!

~Simply Lady Dana

(c)February 2010

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