Sunday, January 1, 2012

Give it your all...

Christmas seems like it was just yesterday, but the New Year, 2012 is a reminder that Christmas is behind us. Resolutions are being made, parties planned and executed and the students will soon find their way back to school. So what does it all mean? It means that we've turned the corner, leaving 2011 behind, and its trials, victories, joys and sorrows, and look to the present moment that we're in, as we give it our all.

Yesterdays victories, will not sustain us for today. We must press on, and create new ones! This means that challenges will come to test our fortitude and perseverance is necessary. Give it your all!

Yesterdays sorrows, will not follow us into tomorrow, only if you bring them. So release them, and expect greater things. They are yours for the asking. And while asking, give it your all!

Yesterdays opportunities, will take on a new look; the one that you create! When using the talents and gifts that you have in your hands, give it your all!

Yesterdays joys, are not everlasting. They must be created anew to continue to brighten ours and others days. They must be reiterated to enJOY over and over again! Give it your all!

Only what we do for Christ will last. Give Him Your All and Your BEST!

My plans are, not necessarily a resolution, is to continue giving my all to whatever it is, in which I am engaged or be fully present to the moments in which I am.

Now that's DA Art of Living!

~Simply Dana

"If you can run, then walk. If you can't walk, then crawl. If you can't crawl, keep moving."

~Dr. Martin Luther King

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