Monday, November 7, 2011

Balance & Beauty

Balance & Beauty...

It's a crisp, beautiful morning here in Ellijay, North Georgia mountains, at the foothills of the Appalachian mountains. A part of me wants to be outside experiencing a hike at Amicolala Falls, while another part of me longs to just read a good book next to the fire place, curled up in my faorite blanket But duty calls.

So I enjoy the changing colours of Fall and vacilating temperatures that reminds us that change is here, and winter is inevitable. Along with our seasons, even time changes, granting us earlier day light and quicker nights. A natural, built-in instinct tells us its hibernatation time. There is a curious beauty that comes with change; wondering what the next development will be and how will we adapt to it. Somehow through it all, I find myself striving for balance, especially at this seasonal juncture of change. Even still, there is unexpected beauty all around; like the visit of my sister and her family last week, and a wonderful surprise by my best friend and sister Martica; and the photographic artist I encountered last week in Florence, whose photo is the featured today; or the charming words of my four year old nephew, as he points to a photo of his Titi Dana, stating "She's Hot!"; or the tattooed guy, whose kindness and creativity continues to wow me; and the serenade we received at dinner last night by our server, also a musician, in the most unexpected place; or the cashier who when I could not find my credit card, told me to pay another day.

There is beauty all around us, now to bring it all into focus and balance. Learning to embrace life in an ongoing, intentional process that requires work, as we throw caution to the wind. Now that's DA Art of Living!


Simply Dana (c) November 2011

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